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Namespace hooks

Hooks used throughout the app to simplify state management.


Type aliases

AsyncExtendState<State>: (partialState: SetStateAction<Partial<State>> | Promise<SetStateAction<Partial<State>>>) => void

Type parameters

  • State

Type declaration

    • (partialState: SetStateAction<Partial<State>> | Promise<SetStateAction<Partial<State>>>): void
    • Parameters

      • partialState: SetStateAction<Partial<State>> | Promise<SetStateAction<Partial<State>>>

      Returns void

AsyncSetState<State>: (nextState: SetStateAction<State> | Promise<SetStateAction<State>>) => void

Type parameters

  • State

Type declaration

    • (nextState: SetStateAction<State> | Promise<SetStateAction<State>>): void
    • Parameters

      • nextState: SetStateAction<State> | Promise<SetStateAction<State>>

      Returns void

CancelPromise: (message?: string) => void

Type declaration

    • (message?: string): void
    • Parameters

      • Optional message: string

      Returns void

PromiseStateWithReset<T>: PromiseState<T> & { reset: ResetPromiseState<T> }

Type parameters

  • T

PromiseStatus: "pending" | "resolved" | "rejected"
ResetPromiseState<T>: (keys?: keyof PromiseState<T> | keyof PromiseState<T>[]) => void

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration


  • A hook similar to React's useState which allows you to also pass promises which resolve to the next state.

    Also returns an extra method which extends the current state, synchronously and/or asynchronously. For the current state to be extended, it must first be a non-null value.


    interface State {
    foo: string
    bar: string

    const [ state, setState, extendState ] = useAsyncExtendedState<State>({
    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 'bar'

    // This works as usual.
    setState({ foo: 'Hello', bar: 'World!' })
    setState(state => ({ foo: 'Hello', bar: 'World!' }))

    // This also works.
    const fetchState = () => API.client.get<State>('data').then(response => {
    return response.data

    // or return (state: State) => {
    // return response.data
    // }

    // The state will eventually be set to the asynchronously resolved value.

    // Or extend the state immediately.
    extendState({ foo: 'Hello' })
    extendState(state => ({ bar: 'World!' }))

    // Or extend the state asynchronously.
    const fetchPartialState = () => API.client.get<Partial<State>>('data').then(response => {
    return response.data

    // or return (state: State) => {
    // return response.data
    // }

    // The state will eventually be extended by the asynchronously resolved value.

    Type parameters

    • State


    • initialState: State

    Returns [State, AsyncSetState<State>, AsyncExtendState<State>]

  • usePromise<T>(asyncFunction: T, initialState?: PromiseState<ReturnType<T>>): [PromiseStateWithReset<ReturnType<T>>, (...asyncFuncArgs: Parameters<T>) => ReturnType<T>]
  • A hook which accepts an asynchronous function (i.e., a function which returns a promise).

    Returns a new asynchronous function wrapping the original to be called as necessary, along with the state of the promise as status, promise, value, error, cancel(), and a reset() method to reset the state.

    Pairs well with the useAsyncExtendedState hook.


    interface State {
    foo: string
    bar: string

    const [ state, setState, extendState ] = useAsyncExtendedState<State>({
    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 'bar'

    const read = (id: string) => API.client.get<Partial<State>>(`things/${id}`).then(response => {
    return response.data

    const [ readThingRequest, readThing ] = usePromise(read)

    const isPending = readThingRequest.status === 'pending'

    return (
    foo: {state.foo}

    bar: {state.bar}

    <UI.Button onClick={() => extendState(readThing('someId'))} disabled={isPending}>
    ? 'Reading thing...'
    : 'Read thing'


    Type parameters

    • T: (...args: any[]) => any


    • asyncFunction: T
    • Optional initialState: PromiseState<ReturnType<T>>

    Returns [PromiseStateWithReset<ReturnType<T>>, (...asyncFuncArgs: Parameters<T>) => ReturnType<T>]

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